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Search for US & Canadian URL Records:

USA/CAN or the Rest of the World

Here is where You Switch Between US/Canada or the Rest of the World

Search on Registrant or Adminstrative Records |
There are four sets of records in the usual URL record set: Adminstrative, Registrant, Technical and Information. We have the two main one, who bought the URL, or the registrant, and who runs the site, the adminstrator. The Registrant record is usually the most complete one, so it is the default.

USA and Canada Only

Geographic Search Parameters
Search By Country

Clicking on the name of a country, state or province will check that box too.

*Selecting US, Canada or Both will override any State or Province selection below.

Search By US States and/or Canadian Provinces
US States

Canadian Provinces
Search By US Counties
Select one or more US STATES FIRST, then click right button for all the counties, Not valid for Canada.
Avoid the following "Counties" search option if you are searching for a specific State, Country or just one or a few Municipalities within a State.

Search By City Names
Separate the city names with commas, spaces...
City names that are common to multiple States will give you the data count for each City in every State selected. Also, city name spellings are not consistent and the USPS city/town names do not always jibe with the actual town the resident is in, especially in sparsely populated rural areas. Zip codes & county names are a lot more accurate way to get the right geographical matches..

Use the Zip Codes or SCF Codes specific to the City and it's Metropolitan area for the Best Results.

Search By US Zip Codes
Choose Only One Zip Code Option from Below: Zip Code Options l & ll:
Input Individual 5-digit US Zip Codes

Paste Your Zip Codes Here

The zip codes can be separated by spaces or any non numeric character like a comma. All non-numeric characters will be stripped out. Only the first 5 digits of the zip code are used. There is a 10000 character limit.

SCF Look Up

United States Zip Code Based SCF Look Up

Will Find all the Zip Codes in a region based on the first three numbers of the Zip Code, like '011' will give you all the zips in the Springfield Mass area. The US Census Population of the SCF region is the last number.
Selecting an SCF will exclude all Canadian Data

(NOTE: Hold the Control key down to select more than one SCF Region)
Radius Search

Radius Search by US Zip Code:

(For a radius distance up to 250 miles)
Zip:   |  Miles:
NOTE : Selecting a US Search Radius will prevent you from searching by City, County or the 3 other Zip searches.
Email Address Search
(This insures that all your results will have an email address)
Example: if you enter "piano" in the box, it will find all emails addresses with "piano" embedded in it somewhere. There are no spaces or commas in an email address. Just enter letters, numbers, '@', '_', '-' or periods '.'

TelephoneNumbers Search: (Optional) Enter the area code and exchange of the phone # as a string w/o any spaces, like 203233. Separate them by at least a space. Note: At least a 3 Digit Area Code is required. This search option can take a considerable time, especially if multiple states and many area codes and exchanges are entered. There is a 100 partial phone number limit.

Email Address Search
(This insures that all your results will have an email address)
Example: if you enter "piano" in the box, it will find all emails addresses with "piano" embedded in it somewhere. There are no spaces or commas in an email address. Just enter letters, numbers, '@', '_', '-' or periods '.'

URL Creation Date: (Optional) Select any or all of the three to search on Dates Matching,

/ / | How You want the Dates to Match Your Selection

URL Updated Date: (Optional) Select any or all of the three to search on Matching Updated Dates

/ / | How You want the Dates to Match Your Selection

URL Expiration Date: (Optional) Select any or all of the three to search on Matching Expiration Dates

/ / How You want the Dates to Match Your Selection

Email Addresses, Websites(URLs) & Fax Numbers:
 If you check the "Unique Email Addresses" or "Unique Fax Numbers" below, then you don't need to check the boxes above too.

Unique Values Requirement The database contains company website domains which have more than one email address per company domain. Conversely the database contains email addresses in which the owner of an email address owns more than one website domain. Below you have an option to query to obtain counts by either unique email addresses, unique website domains, or no unique data because you want as many leads as possible for your targeted market


Top Level Domains or TLDs Such as .com, .net, .org Or enter your own:
Exclude General Department Email Addresses

SKIP THIS SECTION ENTIRELY if you simply wish to include in your query results the thousands of these general business email boxes in our database!
A) Excluding some or all of the most common business email boxes from your searchs.

Check the Box to Exclude Them:

URL, or Domain Name Search Search URLs for This Word or Phrase:   
(This also insures that all your results will have a website)
For example, if you enter "piano" in the box, it will find all URLs with "piano" embedded in it somewhere. Remember that there are no spaces or commas in URLs. Just enter letters, numbers, "-" or periods "."

Search by Company Name:
Company Name:    

(Normally the search is case insensitive, or capitalization doesn't matters. This feature makes the name search case sensitive so "Hurley" would match only Hurley, not HURLEY OR hurley)

Registrant Contact Names:
Contact Names

Note: If you are using our emailing software, it will allow you to automatically pull name values into your email presentation if the data record contains EITHER the executive's name in 2 columns as "First Name" and "Last Name" OR 1 full column "Contact Name".

Search Anytime
Check Record Count

Before you press the button below to get your query results, you also have the option to be emailed the results. Depending upon the time of day, the quantity of selects, the query wait time can range from 10 seconds to 12 minutes.

Option 1: If you don't want to wait to see your query results, we'll email them to you at the following address:    Or Use My Account Email of

Option 2: Go to this Page to See Your Query Results then Download Them Anytime
(You must be logged in to use this feature)

Option 3: Make this a Repeat Search, which will automatically rerun every 2 weeks. Then the results will be emailed to you:
(Limit of 10 Active Repeat Searches. You can manage your searches here. You must be logged in to use this feature)

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